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POE Whoosh 26 Module 2 Completed

By Jacklyn | November 5, 2008

Though POE (Patterns of Excellence) Whoosh 26 Module 2 came to an end, it actually marks a new beginning for all participants and also the coaches. As Adam said “You want to attend POE Module 3?… That’s life!”. How true! It is time to apply what we have learnt into real life and that will drive us to the ultimate outcome we have been looking for in our life, isn’t it?

Outdoor Victory!

Though I have been coming back to coach POE for many rounds, I still learn new things in every POE. It’s a continous learning from Stuart Tan, Adam Khoo, Pete, coaches and the participants. There is always something for me to take away. On top of that, I see POE as an opportunity for me to develop my coaching skills, which is very helpful to me and people whom I am blessed to connect with.

Being a strong believer in personal development, I see neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and life coaching as one of my platform to grow as a person and empowering others at the same time. Though both master trainers (Adam & Stuart), coaches and participants are physically stretch during the program, I believe all of us are empowered many more times emotionally and mentally.

I’d like to congratulate all participants that have completed your full POE program,, as well as all new coaches who have started your coaching journey with us. As I always promise… Coaching is FUN!!!

Stuart Tan, Adam Khoo & Coaches

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