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Education News

By Jacklyn | December 2, 2007

Self Help Books Personal Development Magazine International Launch

The Revolution Begins with the Premier issue of Personal Development Magazine (TransWorldNews – November, 27 2007)

The Revolution Begins with the Premier issue of Personal Development Magazine hitting US Newsstands November 2007.

Personal Development Magazine is taking the Self Help industry by storm with a well designed, content rich publication. Individuals vested in success are rapidly subscribing to the new leader in Self Help Books – Personal Development Magazine.  

Capturing the lead in the Massive $16 Billion Personal Development Revolution, the first issue will feature articles by John Assaraf (Star of The Secret), Ruben Gonzalez (3-Time Olympian), Les Brown (International Motivational Speaker), Barbara DeAngelis (Best Selling Relationship Author), Pamela Perkins (Motivational Speaker, author) just for starters.


Personal Development leaders scheduled to be featured Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, Dennis Waitley, Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith, Ester Hicks, John D Martini, Mike Dooley, Bill Harris, Lee Brower, Joe Vitale, James Ray, Zig Ziglar and Rhonda Byrne.

Personal Development Magazine features insightfully captivating articles from world-class thought leaders. Personal Development Magazine is awakening the potential in people everywhere through imagination, innovation, inspiration and motivation.

The wisdom, experience and life tools readers will receive are priceless. The buzz is already spreading like wildfire – readers are lining up one thousand deep at newsstands around the world, filled with anticipation, hungry for wisdom imparted by Personal Development.

A Life Changing Seminar in Print — Now success oriented people will receive wisdom from the world leading teachers to make their dreams come true. Nothing is being held back, learn the secret to success, Personal Development Magazine has pulled out all the stops to maximize the value to readers.

Topics: Leadership, News, Personal Development | 2 Comments »

2 Responses to “Education News”

  1. bokje Says:
    December 2nd, 2007 at 7:08 pm

    Hey Jackie thanks for the info!

  2. Jacklyn Says:
    December 7th, 2007 at 12:38 am

    You are most welcome, bokje. I’ve been experiencing the joy of sharing since I started blogging! Thank you for supporting me and JacklynKer.com!
