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Simple Steps To Attraction With Gratitude
By Stuart | April 7, 2007
I guess I ought to follow up on Jacklyn’s post on gratitude. After all, I teach the Gratitude process to many people in the Patterns of Excellence program.
It’s a simple and easy way to approach this. First, understand that gratitude is an emotional state that you feel. Second, if you know what to think, you can control what you feel. Third, if you don’t have a goal for your good feelings, just feel good for no good reason!
I talk a lot about neurolinguistic programming in my line of work and the modeling process. This has taken the cake so far:
Step 1 : Break your focus and pay attention to the now.
Step 2: Think of what you want to have in your life.
Step 3: Feel thankful and grateful for this “having” in your life. You may not have it yet, but feel thankful you can even think about it.
Simple, straightforward, takes no more than 3-5 seconds of your time. If you are planning to achieve success, you might want this to be a regular practice in your life.
Topics: General, Personal Development | 4 Comments »
April 10th, 2007 at 9:55 pm
I felt that only when I have the gratitude that whatever comes along, I am able to appreciate it in a positive state. Taking a broad perspective of things, we see wider, further vision and able to make better choices. With gratitude, I appreciate the people that contribute to me one way or another, positively or negatively, they all boils down to making me a better person along this life journey. Failures become learning experiences to prepare me for the next event, making me more able to make better choices and choose different strategies to deal with the next big thing. I will not be here to write this if I have not felt this gratitude that many people (esp Adam, Stuart & Jac & many others)have put faith in me.
Thank you so much.
April 14th, 2007 at 5:38 am
Great write-up Henry. It is our attitude of gratitude that makes who we are today. Our SBG team has been very blessed to have you as our leader that has kept this team closely united and motivated. And I’m thankful that you’ve been caring for me in terms of my health, supporting me in my E.Excel Business and my new adventure in internet marketing. Thanks!
April 27th, 2007 at 1:45 pm
Good articles.. Will come back and read often
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May 11th, 2007 at 2:14 pm
Thanks Schanie Ken!