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Tony Buzan Launches iMindMap
By Jacklyn | May 23, 2007
Tony Buzan is the world’s leading expert on the brain and is the inventor of Mind MapsĀ®, the thinking tool used by over 250 million people. Mind Mapping helps you to excel in every area of your life by allowing you to achieve your full mental potential. A Mind Map is a tool for any thinking task which Tony Buzan describes it as a Swiss army knife to the brain.
iMindMap was launched in Singapore last month giving more flexibility to increasing online users. I have not learned any mind mapping but I’ve seen many successful people like Adam and Stuart are using them frequently. This short video clips has fully convinced me to start picking up mind mapping to supercharge my learning skills.
Hope you’ll gain some insights from this short clip on Maximize The Potential of Your Brain…
Topics: General, Personal Development, Video | 6 Comments »
May 24th, 2007 at 9:08 pm
Hi Jacklyn,
Pls send me more details about
Tony buzan’s iMindMap!
Thank you!
May 25th, 2007 at 3:15 am
Hi Koon Chong, you can read more about the iMindMap at their official website @ http://www.iMindMap.com
May 28th, 2007 at 8:48 am
Hi Jacklyn,
Indeed, Mindmap is a wonderful tool! I used it to do brainstorming, draft out my presentations, jot down notes, etc.
The only problem I have is to convince my children to use them in their studies. Well, even though many knows that it is good but very few actually would invest the time to harness the power.
Thanks for the sharing. Maybe this post can kindle the interest of many readers.
Best Wishes
May 29th, 2007 at 4:51 am
Thanks Sam, actually I’m quite surprise that your children have no interest in Mind Mapping. Myself being a coach in one of the adult training program (POE) at AKLTG (Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group), I’ve seen how kids enjoy learning the Mind Mapping skill in their kids program and score fantastic results in their exams. I believe your children will love Mind Mapping if they know how much it can help them to score ‘A’s in their exams! Patience and persistence wins, or else, send your children to AKLTG Kids/Teens program. They have the stretegy!
May 31st, 2007 at 5:25 pm
I have learned about mind-mapping before but never use them lol.
June 13th, 2007 at 3:34 am
Hi Bill, I’m learning mind mapping now and I’ll still encourage you to use it as it is really powerful!