Healthy Eating Tips for CNY
By Jacklyn | January 17, 2023

Healthy Eating Tips for CNY
Eating healthy during Chinese New Year is possible. And it’s easy with these tips from the Dietetics & Nutrition department at SingHealth Community Hospitals (SCH).
5 Easy tips to eat healthy for CNY
1. Eat before visiting
You are more likely to overeat on an empty stomach. Take a high-fibre snack such as oats, salad or fruits before you head out.
2. Go for fresh food over processed food
Choose healthier snacks like mandarin oranges. If you are cooking, use fresh ingredients such as lean meat and skinless poultry over processed food items like fish balls as they are usually lower in salt and fat.
3. Practice portion control
Put your food onto a smaller plate to help you eat less.
4. Plain water is best
Opt for plain water or drinks with reduced sugar over soft drinks and sweetened beverages.
5. Take it slow
It can be tempting to indulge in feasting but eat slowly. It can take up to 20 minutes after eating before you feel full. Eating slower also helps with digestion.
Know what you eat
link from
Blessed Lunar New Year… GongXiFaCai !!!
Topics: Health Tips, Healthy Lifestyle | No Comments »
Tony Robbins – 3 Steps to Achieve your Goals
By Jacklyn | January 15, 2022
3 mins
Topics: General | No Comments »
Building a Rock-Solid Client Relationship
By Jacklyn | March 5, 2017
A client relationship is not just about giving a big smile when you meet your clients. Your clients can feel whether you are genuine or not when you communicate to them.
For a rock-solid client relationship, you need to create wow factors that will set you above your competitors. Remember the R.O.C.K. S.O.L.I.D acronym, which stand for the pointers below, and apply them to build strong relationships with them.
(R) Remember Your Clients’ Details
Clients love to be acknowledged by their names. They feel good when you remember details of what they had shared with you during your past conversations with them. If you do not have a good memory, one helpful way is to write them down. This can be very time-consuming but it is an effective way to keep a detailed report of your clients. This should also include the likes and dislikes of your clients.
(O) Open To New Ideas
Your clients may have their own ideas about what work best for them or what they want. You may be an expert in your industry but you need to recognise that your clients have their own thinking too. Be open to new ideas given by your clients and explore with them. Clients like to be respected when sharing their ideas and it is essential to make them feel important.
(C) Consistent In Your Follow-Up
At the end of every phone call or meeting, send a follow-up note on what was discussed. This is to assure your clients that you have understood their needs and are working on them. Clients like to be kept informed of what will interest or affect them, their businesses and their lives. Do a regular follow-up to keep connected with your clients.
(K) Know Your Products
Attend your company’s product training and read up on your products’ information. Clients love to work with someone who knows his or her products well. You must be able to answer your clients’ questions on your products and advise them accordingly. This will immediately build their confidence in you.
(S) Surprises Always Work
Have you ever done anything that left a long-lasting impression in your client’s memory? Sending a greeting card to clients is a common practice, so what else can you do to make a difference? Learn more about your clients, and you will know what will make a pleasant surprise.
(O) Organise Your Materials
Always go prepared for every appointment. Organise your materials with the most updated information. Your presentation kit represents you and your work. Spend some time checking it, and ensure that everything is in order before any appointment. Always keep a separate folder with additional information or collaterals that you think your clients may be interested in. It is always better to be prepared than not ready.
(L) Listen Attentively
Listen to your clients attentively. Your clients want to be heard and given attention. They want to express their feelings and opinions to you . While they may not be accurate or right, you cannot fight their thinking and emotions. Be patient with them. Be quick to listen and slow to speak.
(I) Integrity Is Your Brand
Integrity is important in a client relationship. Say what you will do and do what you have promised to deliver. Always give advice to your clients with their best interests at heart. Your clients will feel your sincerity and they will trust you and your recommendations.
(D) Do What You Are Best At
You have your own strengths and ideas that your clients like about you. Do not follow blindly what your competitors are doing for their clients just because they are successful in doing them. Do what your are best at instead.
Article by Richard Gavriel, a client relationship building and sales expert with Richard Gabriel Speaker Management.
Topics: Leadership, Personal Development, Relationship, Sales, Wealth Creation | No Comments »
Finishing Your Year 2016 Strong
By Jacklyn | August 22, 2016
Every year many people start with huge goals and dreams. Now, we are left with less-than 5 months to end 2016. Have you reviewed your goals? How are they doing?
If due to whatever reasons, your goals seems still far fetch, I strongly encourage you to go back to the basics… I find the 3 main necessary steps of goal setting by Peng Joon is very helpful and I’ve put his article for your reading. Wishing you success!
Effective goal setting comes in 3 main steps.
When it comes to planning your year, the most important thing is for you to have clarity.
You need to know what you want to begin with.
So the first step is to think about, and be clear on what you want to achieve this year.
Now most people stop here. They list down what they want and that’s it. That’s like putting an image of a sports car on your desktop wallpaper. Nothing happens.
Many times, people tell me: “Peng Joon, I want to make a million dollars this year.”
Well, that’s a great goal.
But the next step, after knowing what you want, is knowing why you want it.
What I always tell people is that once you know what you want, you need to have clarity on your “why”.
So you want to make a million dollars…. the question now is why?
I list down about 10 things that I want to accomplish during the year – but instead of thinking about accomplishing them, I think about “why”. This is something you should be doing, too.
Because if you can figure out the “why”, then you can figure out the “how”.
These are the steps. The mechanics. It needs to be specific and actionable.
Ineffective: I will go to the gym 3 times a week.
Effective: I will complete the p90X fitness program and complete all 90 days from start to end. I will limit my carbs intake by one bowl of rice a day.
So as a quick recap:
To be able to plan things out and make 2016 your best year ever, you need to:
1. Know WHAT you want to do
2. Know WHY you want to do it
3. List HOW are you going to do it
If you can plan these three things out next to each other, then you’ll have a compelling reason to take action.
So, I hope this post has helped you in terms of planning to finish your year strong, and will enable you to really have the best year ever!
As always, if you found value in this post, please feel free to leave a comment below and let me know.
May 2016 be an amazing and incredible year filled with happiness, love, peace and everything else that you could wish for
Topics: Affirmations, Goals Setting, Positive Attitude, Wealth Creation | No Comments »
How Many Singapore Merlion Statues?
By Jacklyn | August 16, 2016
Have you ever wonder how many Merlion Statues are there in Singapore?
There are 7 of these half-lion, half-fish mythical creatures in Singapore. The 2 most famous ones are situated at the Merlion Park, next to One Fullerton.
The 2+5 such Merlion statues are at:
– Merlion Park (2 of them)
– Sentosa
– outside Singapore Tourism Board’s office at Tourism Court
– Faber Point at Mount Faber
– Ang Mo Kio Ave 1 (2 pink-granite ones flanking the public carpark entrance along AMK Ave 1)
I’ve just returned from USA and realised that I know too little about my own country, Singapore!
Now having fun learning about this tiny island, my home, Singapore :)
Topics: General, Gratitude, Personal Life, Singapore | No Comments »
A Good Life Contains These 6 Essentials – Jim Rohn
By Jacklyn | October 27, 2014
The values that make up the foundation of a life well lived—and, no surprise, money isn’t one of them.
The ultimate expression of life is not a paycheck. The ultimate expression of life is not a Mercedes. The ultimate expression of life is not a million dollars or a bank account or a home. The ultimate expression of life is living a good life.
Here’s what we must ask constantly, “What, for me, would be a good life?” And you have to keep going over and over the list—a list including areas such as spirituality, economics, health, relationships and recreation.
So, what would constitute a good life? Jim Rohn has a short list:
1. Productivity
You won’t be happy if you don’t produce. The game of life is not rest. Yes, we must rest, but only long enough to gather strength to get back to productivity.
What’s the reason for the seasons and the seeds, the soil and the sunshine, the rain and the miracle of life? It’s to see what you can do with it—to try your hand to see what you can do.
2. Good friends Read the rest of this entry »
Topics: Affirmations, Friends, Gratitude, Inspiration, Motivation, Personal Development, Positive Attitude, Quotes, Self Esteem | 1 Comment »
Tiny Changes Mean Huge Results – Tony Robbins
By Jacklyn | October 26, 2014
“When it seems impossible, when it seems like nothing is going to work, you are usually a few millimeters away from making it happen.” – Anthony Robbins
8:17 mins
… our physical physiology really do change our states, start putting on the empowering ones!
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