« Previous EntriesTony Robbins – 3 Steps to Achieve your Goals
Saturday, January 15th, 20223 mins
How Many Singapore Merlion Statues?
Tuesday, August 16th, 2016Have you ever wonder how many Merlion Statues are there in Singapore? There are 7 of these half-lion, half-fish mythical creatures in Singapore. The 2 most famous ones are situated at the Merlion Park, next to One Fullerton. The 2+5 such Merlion statues are at: – Merlion Park (2 of them) – Sentosa – outside […]
Another Memorable Birthday 29.4.2009
Wednesday, April 29th, 2009I always see my birthday as one of the most important day in my life. It is on this day, I took the first breath of life… Since young, I look forward to every birthday (29th April). To what I can remember, I celebrated all my birthdays, either with family, with that special someone, friends […]
POE Whoosh 26 Module 2 Completed
Wednesday, November 5th, 2008Though POE (Patterns of Excellence) Whoosh 26 Module 2 came to an end, it actually marks a new beginning for all participants and also the coaches. As Adam said “You want to attend POE Module 3?… That’s life!”. How true! It is time to apply what we have learnt into real life and that will drive us […]
Tips to develop super self confidence and self esteem
Tuesday, August 12th, 2008$;32 mins
Patterns of Excellence March 2008
Tuesday, March 4th, 2008The first Patterns of Excellence (POE) program in year 2008 is this coming March 27th-30th 2008, This 4-Day Life Transformational Program will be conducted personally by Adam Khoo with his partner, Stuart Tan. POE is one of the most powerful programs I’ve attended. I became more focused and empowered after applying those strategies I picked […]
Free Ebooks – How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie and More
Monday, February 18th, 2008I was browsing some of my favorite personal development blogs this afternoon and I think ‘‘ is a very resourceful site you can explore too. Beginners Marketing Class is offering a free 30 day membership through the end of February, and a part of that offer includes a number of free ebooks to add to […]
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