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Learn NLP: Character Instead Of Cash

By Jacklyn | November 22, 2008

 Article by Stuart Tan ~ Licensed NLP Trainer

Stuart TanDo you desire financial freedom and fame?  If you do, I have news for you.  NLP can help you model after those successes!  However, you might have a lot of catching up the, not just in financial success, but also in terms of knowing where you are where you ought to go. If you’re one of those people who have great financial success, but are complete jerks, don’t read this. I have people whom I care about whom I want to succeed, not you.

So guys… you want success. Yet, some people have great financial success but are these blamers, whiners and complainers. They are rich in cash, but poor in character. Somehow, these morons seem to get away with it, don’t they? It seems somewhat unfair, that they have it and you don’t.

If you are hardworking, honest, and have a sense of responsibility in the things that you do, all it takes is a little fire and passion and drive you toward greater success. I think these are the things that are necessary for you to forge ahead and build any kind of success that you want. But you must be willing to take the hits.

The worst thing that can happen for you is that you ONLY take credit for everything that goes right, and fail to improve from the things that don’t go right. Take responsibility. When I mean responsibility, I’m really talking about the ability to take charge of one’s own decisions, instead of blaming someone else and making excuses. If you don’t achieve something, for heaven’s sake don’t blame anyone else for it.

You need to learn this. Responsibility is one of the most important key facets in NLP. I found that accepting responsibility actually allows yo to develop a greater sense of learning through feedback.

So, if you’re not wealthy yet, take responsibility!

If you don’t have a great family yet, take responsibility!

If people don’t like you yet, take responsibility!

If you were made bankrupt… (the list goes on, by the way)

Learn something from it.

Once you take a look inside yourself instead of outside of yourself and looking for something to blame, you’ll find that there’s a lot more that you can do to grow as a human being. You become more fulfilled, and experience a greater sense of lightness so that things get better in all aspects of your life.

The basic strategy for taking responsibility is to observe all comments, a visual stimulus, or any other form of sensory feedback and process that by asking the question: “what could I do to improve this?”

The moment you ask this question, it presumes that you already have a clear enough outcome. For most people, the outcome is unclear. You definitely want to have some clarity of your outcomes in order to know how to exactly improve. Once you’re there, you can activate resources that lead you to where it is that you need to go.

I certainly hope that you focus on character instead of cash, wisdom instead of fame, integrity instead of blame. I know that once you’re there, it will definitely help you to make yourself as cash rich and famous as you choose to be.

Topics: NLP, Personal Development | 1 Comment »

One Response to “Learn NLP: Character Instead Of Cash”

  1. Jeff Paul Internet Millions Says:
    March 13th, 2009 at 2:33 pm

    I run a small internet marketing and e-commerce firm; I attend a few seminars of Jeff Paul when he’s in the city. I have been running my firm for the last 2 years and have gained much positive response and profits in my work. I am still moving!
