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Business Network International (BNI)

By Jacklyn | May 22, 2008

I was invited to attend a Business Network International (BNI) breakfast meeting on Tuesday. In fact, this is the 3rd time my cousin Catherine Pang invited me. Thanks to her persistence, I finally get to know and understand what BNI is all about.

The mission of BNI is to help their members increase their business through a structured, positive, and professional “Word-of-Mouth” program that enables them to develop long term, meaningful relationship with quality business professionals.

As the saying goes “Word of Mouth is the most cost-effective form of advertising possible.” And BNI provides a structured environment for the development and exchange of quality business referrals. I am very impressed on how professional the meeting was conducted in conducive environment with high level of energy and trust.

I have learned that in every chapter (group), each individual industry or trade can only be represented by one member. So there is no competition or conflict of interest in who the members should refer their friends to. It came as a not-too-good news for me as my profession with E.Excel International is in the wellness industry, one of the fastest expanding industry in the globe today. This slot has long been taken up in every chapter in Singapore.

Well, that gives me another inspiration. I can always start a brand new chapter myself! Invite enough people from different trade, abide by the rules of BNI, get registered with HQ, and a new chapter is born. If you are residing in Singapore and keen in this idea, drop me a note and we can discuss it together.

Continue to learn, continue to network and continue to grow your business which you deserve. Cheers!

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