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Out of My Comfort Zone!

By Jacklyn | March 28, 2007

Hi! It has been a great week for me since after my last post on Law of Attraction. My off-line network marketing business (E.Excel International) has been performing much better than I thought! And my blog is taking-off well too. Thanks to all the love and support from all my new, old and all those very very old dearest friends out there…

Yes of course I applied all those wonderful techniques I’ve picked up from ‘The Secret’ and recently Stuart’s post on PNI to achieve this week’s results. I have to admit that at times, I still fall into the trap of allowing some limiting belief to stop me from achieving much more than I could. But today, results have proven me that I can stretch so much more if I keep focusing on the outcome I want in my life and start enjoying the journey along the way! ya, no more excuses for ‘pain’, ‘not feeling well’ and ‘having to sleep at least 10 hrs a day’…

Oh ya, I did spend some time going for POE coaches training too. I’m so mesmerized by the power of NLP and I’ll strongly encourage you to tap into the resources of this powerful science. did I call it a science?? I will post more resources on this topic as I learn along the way…

Well, please join me in my journey to life successes and I want to contribute to your success too! Till then, take care…

Topics: General, Personal Development, Personal Life | 8 Comments »

8 Responses to “Out of My Comfort Zone!”

  1. Beni Bevly Says:
    March 29th, 2007 at 3:05 am

    Hi Jacklyn,

    The title of this article “Out of Comfort Zone!” catches my eyes. A lot of people seek for comfort zone, but they do not realize that it can be a trap for their improvement.

    If someone decides stepping out of comfort zone and explore other opportunity, he/she may have more probability to improve than others who do not.

    I like your article, Jacklyn.

    Beni Bevly

  2. Takuin Minamoto Says:
    March 29th, 2007 at 7:26 am

    Wonderful blog you have here. I can sense your passion and it can be quite infectious. I think others will benefit strongly from what you have to give.
    Being in the positive mindset is all important, as you and I both know. It is up to us to decide to be happy. When every experience is welcomed with gratitude, we begin to live a beautiful life. All action becomes right action.
    It is wonderful, isn’t it?
    Takuin Minamoto

  3. Stuart Says:
    March 30th, 2007 at 3:41 pm

    Hi Jac…

    Good going. We use this for our reflection purposes. I also encourage everyone else to contribute so that everyone learns from each other! Cheers..

  4. Jacklyn Says:
    March 31st, 2007 at 1:33 am

    Thanks Beni, I’m impressed by your profile and your love for your country. In fact I think many people were stretched out of their comfort zone only when ill situation forces them to. I learned my lessons and have turned my adversity into strength. And now, I want to share and make a differnce to other people’s life through this platform. Please support this blog by contributing and sharing your thoughts with us…

  5. Jacklyn Says:
    March 31st, 2007 at 1:58 am

    Hi Takuin, I’m glad you like my blog and even feel my passion! May this passion be infectious and viral… Please do come and participant in the comments and share your thoughts with us… I like your ‘Rule of 5’ principle. Would you like to share it with my readers here?

  6. Walter Says:
    March 31st, 2007 at 7:36 am

    Interesting post about stepping out of our comfort zones. For me, I guess I am sometimes a bit of a coward in uprooting myself and venturing into the big blue unknown oceans. Perhaps the day will come soon.

    Success like you said is very much in the hearts and minds. It isn’t measured by what people think of you but what you think of yourself.

  7. Today is that Day Says:
    April 23rd, 2007 at 12:13 pm


    I (at least temporarily) stepped away from my network marking business with TNI in order to concentrate on writing. However, I remember thinking after watching The Secret that anyone in network marketing could apply those principles to their business.

    I have no doubt that you will have amazing success!

  8. Jacklyn Says:
    April 25th, 2007 at 3:55 am

    Thanks Aaron,
    ‘The Secret’ movie has a great impact on my life. It really serves as a great reminder for me in choosing my thoughts daily. In fact while starting my internet marketing business now, I’m moving on to my next level in my off-line network marketing business with E.Excel International.
    I truly believe that we can excel in any areas of our life if we have the vision, mission, passion and love in our hearts…
    To our success, Cheers!
