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3 Steps to Time Management

By Jacklyn | November 22, 2007

What could be more stressful than not having enough time? The day comes and goes and you still didn’t get even half the things done that you had intended to get done. So how exactly do you manage this elusive thing called time? Actually, you don’t. Time can’t be managed. Time just is. (In fact, time is not what you think, but that’s for another article.) So the title of this article is a bit misleading, but it’s named as such because most people still believe it’s TIME they need to manage, when in truth it’s really ACTIVITIES that they must manage.

Step One
The first step is to sort out all the helpful, goal-oriented activities from the dead-end activities. And by the way, don’t list the activities you always do, like getting out of bed, eating breakfast, etc. Those you already know you’re going to do, and they are part of your routine. The activities I want you to concentrate on are the ones that are unquestionably linked to a big and spectacular goal.   

For example, if your spectacular goal is to earn at least $300,000 this year, then what activities in your daily life are supporting that goal? Reading a book about your particular industry, or taking a seminar in goal setting, or replacing watching a TV show with going to the library and looking up information on how to write a business plan would be definite and constructive goal-oriented activities.

So weed out on paper the activities that are non-supportive from the activities that are fully supportive. You might be amazed at all the non-supportive activities that have been filling up your busy days.

Step Two
Once you have your list on paper, take a look at the supportive activities and add to them or amplify them to really target your goal-oriented direction.

For example, let’s say you have on your list that you read every evening. That’s great, because that’s a possible way of expanding yourself and your knowledge. However, if the book is a comic book, it might not be helpful towards your goal of making at least $300,000 this year (unless, of course, you’re a comic book writer, artist, or store owner!), but if you exchange that comic book for a book about your industry, or a successful person’s biography, or some other related material, then you are in alignment with your goal.

Step Three
Now, of all those goal-oriented and supportive activities, choose the six most important ones that must be done first—the ones that are the first steps of an enormous goal. (Remember, the longest journey always begins with a single step!) You should be able to complete all six activities within a single day. Of those six most important activities, decide which should be done first, second, and so on, so that all six activities are in their order of importance.

Write these six activities on a blank sheet of paper, in their order of importance, and begin work on the first one. Only go on to the second one when the first one is complete. If you don’t finish the entire list in one day, let it roll over to the next day, adding the next activities so that you always have a list of six most important things to do in a day. Make sure to carry this list with you so that you can always remind yourself of what comes next on your list.

Follow this strategy for at least a month, every day, and you will change your life.

Kim for Hypno-Freedom

Kim Markison is a master hypnotherapist. Her lifelong path is to teach and show everyone how powerful and extraordinary they really are. To align with that path and purpose, she is creating unique, empowering hypnosis meditations for HypnoFreedom. Each one is designed for complete relaxation and stress relief, so no matter which one you listen to, you will always arrive at the center of your being to safely enjoy who you truly are.
Copyright 2007. Reference: http://www.hypno-freedom.com.

Topics: Personal Development, Time Management | 11 Comments »

11 Responses to “3 Steps to Time Management”

  1. green » 3 Steps to Time Management Says:
    November 22nd, 2007 at 2:51 pm

    […] Check it out! While looking through the blogosphere we stumbled on an interesting post today.Here’s a quick excerpt3 Steps to Time Management By Jacklyn | November 22, 2007 What could be more stressful than not having enough time? The day comes and goes and you still didn’t get even half the things done that you had intended to get done. So how exactly do you manage this elusive thing called time? Actually, you don’t. Time can’t be managed. Time just is. (In fact, time is not what you think, but that’s for another article.) So the title of this article is a bit misleading, but it’s named as such becaus […]

  2. bokje Says:
    November 22nd, 2007 at 5:08 pm

    Nowadays, everyone is complaining about not having time and Time Management is a hot seller! Thanks Jackyln for your post and I guess many people just got overwhelmed by the tasks at hand on a daily basis and finding difficulties in doing everything!

  3. Lisa Says:
    November 24th, 2007 at 9:45 am

    Great article. Thanks for sharing.

  4. walter Says:
    November 26th, 2007 at 8:07 am

    Sounds like pretty useful tips for managing time. Now if only I have the TIME to put them into practise…. LOL

  5. Happy Person Says:
    November 28th, 2007 at 12:47 am

    To manage the activities to create TIME, we need to manage ourself too. Discipline comes in and self-awareness too. If we lose track of our time-wasters, we will not be able to from the habit to manage our daily activities. Cheers to saving time.

  6. Albert | UrbanMonk.Net Says:
    December 1st, 2007 at 10:52 am

    Thanks for a nice reminder – having a passion, a purpose, is truly the most important thing. Everything else will fall into place once you develop a burning desire.

    We’ve bumped into each other a few times over the net at various sites, Jacklyn, but just making official contact for the first time ;)

    Loving all the videos you have found and shared with us.

    Albert | UrbanMonk.Net
    Modern personal development, entwined with ancient spirituality.

  7. Jacklyn Says:
    December 2nd, 2007 at 9:16 am

    Hi bokje,

    I made an effort to surf and learn from others everyday for my personal growth, but sometimes, I do feel stressed up for not doing so when my work took too much of my time.

    This recent compulsory break (hospitalization) comes in just nice for me as I was so involved in my coaching, travelling and my E.Excel biz that I went overboard and neglected my health.

    It is during this time where I think I really do not have enough time to do all the task I wish I can, and yet, I have to put everything aside taking a one-month break for medical reason!

    And guess what? I feel good about it until now!
    Being able to let go made me feel calm, peaceful, organized and focused.

    Another blessing in disguise..

  8. Jacklyn Says:
    December 2nd, 2007 at 9:29 am

    Thanks Lisa, and welcome to my blog! Look forward to read more of your comments and sharing here.

    God Bless.

  9. Jacklyn Says:
    December 7th, 2007 at 12:45 am

    Hey Walter, have you thought of that extra small little effort to squeeze out that little time to start implementing time management, it will give birth to more quality time!

  10. Jacklyn Says:
    December 7th, 2007 at 12:50 am

    Hi Happy Person, welcome to http://www.JacklynKer.com! Hope to see you around often and make yourself comfortable here.

    Cheers to time management!

  11. Jacklyn Says:
    December 7th, 2007 at 12:55 am

    Thanks Albert and you are most welcome to share your thoughts with us here! I’ve been enjoying reading your blog for quite a while already. Great blog!
