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Education News

Sunday, December 2nd, 2007

Self Help Books Personal Development Magazine International Launch The Revolution Begins with the Premier issue of Personal Development Magazine (TransWorldNews – November, 27 2007) The Revolution Begins with the Premier issue of Personal Development Magazine hitting US Newsstands November 2007. Personal Development Magazine is taking the Self Help industry by storm with a well designed, […]

Motivation: Principles of Greatness

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

What makes people great? Follow the Principles of Greatness and you will make a difference in your team and in your life!

Teamwork – Lessons From Geese

Friday, June 8th, 2007

To show the importance of teamwork, we can take examples from the lives of geese.Fact: As each goose flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the birds that follow. By flying in a “V” formation, the whole flock gains 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew alone. Lesson: People who share a […]

How to Become an Ideal Leader

Friday, May 4th, 2007

When you are at work, do you get frustrated because things don’t seem to be happening the way they’re supposed to be? You see people milling around but nothing gets accomplished. And in the daily hustle and bustle, do you feel that your goals remain just that goals. Then, maybe its time for you to […]

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