We know what is Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It is often used as a measure of the growth of a country and quite often, positively correlated with the standard of living of that country. From this presentation by Chip Conley, I learned about Gross National Happiness (GNH)!
“When the dotcom bubble burst, hotelier Chip Conley went in search of a business model based on happiness. In an old friendship with an employee and in the wisdom of a Buddhist king, he learned that success comes from what you count..”
Adam has recently posted a 4-part video of him teaching the Ultimate Success Formula in one of his actual trainings. I attended Adam & Stuart’s Patterns of Excellence (POE) program in 2006 (phew! that was more than 4 years ago!), and since then, I have been applying this Ultimate Success Formula into my life. I must say, I have been enjoying tremendous positive results in my life, especially in my personal growth as a person and in all my businesses.
Now it’s the beginning of the year again. It’s the time where many people will set their goals. The true fact is.. many didn’t see their goals through, and they have to set the very same goal again at the beginning of next year. Ha.. does that sound familiar? And for some, they may set totally different goals, thinking that their unfufilled goals are not what they really want or are beyond their capabilities to achieve them (sigh..)
What is your goal for 2011? How strong is your desire for this goal to come true for you? Are you obsessed with it? If you already have one… congratulations! Apply the Ultimate Success Formula and take massive action. I’m sure you will be celebrating your fruits of success at the end of 2011 :)
Truly thankful to Adam for putting this video up. It is a lesson that has make a big difference in my life and may these video clips be one of your best gift this year.
Zig Ziglar teaches people all over the world the fundamentals of sales and success. Here he tells a story of a woman with a negative attitude who hated her job, shifted her attitude and changed her life.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle
If you could do one thing every day that would change your life for the better, what would it be?
I found this website that helps you to create your new success habits in 21 days.
You name a challenge, a new success habit that will bring you nearer to your success, and they will send you a customized daily email asking how you did. Simply click “yes” or “no” daily. Succeed for 21 days, and the new success habit will be created easier than ever.
Warning!! Skip a day and the clock starts over at day one.
Go test this out and let us know how well this can help ya?
Foie Gras is a disease, not a delicacy! Have you ever wonder how foie gras farms produce these bird’s fatty liver? A report by the World Society for the Protection of Animals describes the process: “The birds are commonly fed using a pneumatic pump forced down the throat, which injects up to half a kilo of maize and fat in a couple of seconds. This is repeated two or three times per day for up to three weeks, so that by the time it is slaughtered, a bird’s liver will have swelled to between six and ten times its natural size. Many ducks and geese die prematurely from cardiac and renal failure, and liver haemorrhage.”
1:42 mins
Many countries have banned the production and sale of foie gras due the cruel processing. It’s sad that some restaurants in Singapore are still selling them as a delicacy. In Singapore, we have more than enough food to please our taste buds.. it’s alright to many of us to let go some dishes that are made available through the cruel way, right?
Please help to create more awareness about animal cruelty and I believe through combine strength, we can make the world a better place to live in. Isn’t it a good news that shark fins is no more a ‘must’ in the wedding dinner menus? From January 2009, the Fairmont Hotel Singapore has ceased to serve and offer shark’s fin soup to its diners at Szechuan Court and guests at Raffles City Convention Centre. The hotel aims to educate consumers on the cruelty involved in the production of shark’s fin soup, whilst offering alternative dishes to customers. Cheers to Fairmont Hotel Singapore!
Say “NO!” to foie gras!!! I’ve uploaded some flyers and information for you to print out and share with your friends and restaurant owners. Please feel free to share your view, comments and how we can add our strength in saving more geese and ducks from those suffering.
A great post from Mark on forgiveness which I really want to share with my readers here… Thanks Mark!
Being lied to, being cheated on, being abused, not caring enough … the list of reasons we don’t forgive someone goes on and on. Interestingly enough the same reasons that we use to withhold forgiveness from others are the same reasons we tend not to forgive ourselves.
Forgiveness is a tough concept for many people. Many people were raised in an environment where forgiveness was not easily given and when it was it was often conditional. By conditional I mean that “I will forgive you if…” Conditional forgiveness is not really forgiveness is it? If we are saying that we only forgive you if you make amends and the person does not make amends to our satisfaction then we feel justified in withholding our forgiveness.
Withholding forgiveness for some gives them a sense of power over the person they are not forgiving. We also believe that by withholding forgiveness that we are erecting a wall of protection from a person hurting us again in some way. We sometimes come to think if I don’t forgive you then you will never be able to get close enough to hurt me again. In the end this is truly an illusion for while we hold on to our anger, while we hold on to our hurt and we don’t forgive we choke on that anger, we poison ourselves with holding on to the hurt and rarely are we having a negative impact on the person we refuse to forgive. Read the rest of this entry »
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