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Positive Attitude
By Jacklyn | May 2, 2007
Why is it so important to live a positive and optimistic life?
Because it can lead to a so much more fulfilling life. Optimism is synonymous with positive mood and good morale. It is also linked to successes in athletic, academic, career, business, better health and lasting relationships. And further more, positive individuals are much more attractive to people than negative people!
Ironically, the rates of depression and pessimism among people have never been higher than they are today, no matter the age group. These days it is affecting older, middle aged and even the younger people all the same way.
Although it is not the easiest thing in the world to change in our life, it is important to realize that being an optimist or pessimist is a matter of choice. We can choose to be positive or negative. In the real world, positive people are hit by the same hard smacks in life as do the negative people. The difference is just in the way they choose to respond to it. Positive and optimistic people tend to be convinced that these moments of pain are temporary set backs and that these events are challenges or opportunities as lessons learned and they get stimulated to move on even further!
On the other hand, negative and pessimistic people tend to believe that unfortunate events have an influence on everything they do in life and they are convinced that such situations will last a long, long time. Then, they start to blame everything else in the world, and think that it is ok to soak themselves in negative mood.Positive people are hardly ever manipulative people and they appear to be far less dependent on others for their own happiness. They have the natural talent to draw people towards them, because they are surrounded with positive, balanced and cheerful energy.Positive people are also much more stress resistant. They are perseverant and they don’t give up easily. And it is in this way that they seem to get closer to their dream or passion each step of the way.Positive people are also much more stress resistant. They are perseverant and they don’t give up easily. And it is in this way that they seem to get closer to their dream or passion each step of the way.
Negative people tend to react strongly to stressful events, sometimes by denying that stress is bothering them. Moreover negative or pessimistic people tend to avoid dealing with their negative situations and they give up more easily when problems or difficulties arise.
Positive people are also much more stress resistant. They are perseverant and they don’t give up easily. And it is in this way that they seem to get closer to their dream or passion each step of the way.
Negative people tend to react strongly to stressful events, sometimes by denying that stress is bothering them. Moreover negative or pessimistic people tend to avoid dealing with their negative situations and they give up more easily when problems or difficulties arise.
Medical research has shown that positive people have better health and they age well, without having to go through the illnesses that middle aged people tend to go through. Their bodies appear to have a much higher stamina level, better immune system to fight diseases and they usually live older than the people who allow their lives to be lead by negativity.
All in all, when you are not such a positive and optimistic person, there is every reason to learn to become one. Remember it is all a matter of choice!
Each and everyone of us get hit in life, but it is your choice whether you want to stay in that place, or not. At one point of time I wasted 12 years of my life because I chose to see the negative side of my situation. It was a long hard lesson learned, and now, I’ve turned that experience into my strength! Find the positive message in each negative experience. There is always one!
Finding this positive lesson will open your world again, so that you can create new focus. By letting go of your negative ideas of your internal struggles you find new inspiration.
Let’s get back on track! Focus a clear positive goal ahead of you and challenge yourself to see difficult situations as opportunities, instead of allowing them to bring you down. Together, we shall see each other at the top!
Topics: General, Personal Development, Positive Attitude | 6 Comments »
May 2nd, 2007 at 11:50 am
It is sometimes hard, but best to always keep that positive attitude!! It can keep you going in the rough days and help you make it to the happy days! I think most people like being around other people with positive attitudes. It makes them feel better and confident!!
May 2nd, 2007 at 12:15 pm
Being positive is not always easy unless you have found your passion. That changes everything! Here’s a short article I wrote on finding your passion…
Truthteller site
May 2nd, 2007 at 12:57 pm
Great article, Jacklyn…
Me very negative but lucky I mix with the right negative people also and that’s why I’m so positive in life now, Yo…. negative negative equals to positive, right? Hehe..
You are always my role model
May 2nd, 2007 at 2:30 pm
I agree with you caplondon, when we’re not well equip enough with strong positive mindset ourselves. I think the books or articles we read, the questions we keep asking ourselves and the type if people we mix around with have a direct impact in our life.
I’ve visited your Las Vegas site. It is informative and great! Been to Las Vegas once and would love to be there again.
May 2nd, 2007 at 2:40 pm
Oh yes Eduardo, our passion drives us regardless of whatever situation. That’s why all the businesses I choose to engage in are aligned with my values, belief and passion! After all, this is an open secret to success…
May 2nd, 2007 at 2:57 pm
Hi Wei Ping, thanks for taking me as a role model! Because I want to be a good role model to others, I’m the one that benefit the most utimately as I keep stretching myself to self improvement.
And Wei Ping, you are also a role model! Since I’ve known you from our Mod2 till working together as a coach, you never exhibit any negativity at all. In fact you are the one that is always so helpful, supportive and spreading all the positive energy around!
Oh! right, negative + negative = “postive”. For both of them, it is definitely a postive truth that they will drown together. Like that?