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Song That Make My Heart Sing
By Jacklyn | July 25, 2007
Hey! It’s another love link going round. This time is the song meme. I was tagged by Glenn and this whole meme game was started by Hilda Carroll. I love to have music around, especially when music can really anchor me into different mood at that instant point of time.
I listen to English and Mandarin songs and I also love piano music from Kelvin Kern and Chamras Saewataporn. If I were to choose one song to share here, I’ll choose the one that has been keeping me moving forward to reach my dreams, and that is If we hold on togetherĀ by Diana Ross. It’s the no.18 song in this music CD if you want to share this song too…
Diana RossĀ – If We Hold on Together
From the “Land before Time” Motion Picture Soundtrack
Don’t lose your way
With each passing day
You’ve come so far
Don’t throw it away
Live believing
Dreams are for weaving
Wonders are waiting to start
Live your story
Faith hope and glory
Hold to the truth in your heart
If we hold on together
I know our dreams will never die
Dreams see us through to forever
Where clouds roll by for you and I
Souls in the wind
Must learn how to bend
Seek our a star
Hold on to the end
Valley, mountain
There is a fountain
Washes our tears all away
Worlds are swaying
Someone is praying
Please let them come home to stay
If we hold on together
I know our dreams will never die
Dreams see us through to forever
Where clouds roll by for you and I
When we are out there in the dark
We’ll dream about the sun
In the dark we’ll feel the light
Warm our hearts.. everyone
If we hold on together
I know our dreams will never die
Dreams see us through to forever
As high as souls can fly
The clouds roll by
For you and I
There are many other songs that make me feel motivated and happy. Especially those that have been played during our POE program. I won’t list them here as I hope you can come and experience this whole life-changing program yourself!
Next, I’ll be tagging 5 friends to play along this game and you guys shall tag your 5 friends to keep this game going. Just remember to link back to the person who tagged you and all our readers can enjoy this love link and they may choose to participate as well.
So, share with us your song that make your heart sing..
Wei Ping @ Blog of no worries
Perry @ Perry’s Revelations
Walter @ Cooler Insights
Tony @ Success from the nest
Rachit @ Don’t Mind
Topics: General, Inspiration, Personal Life, Video | 12 Comments »
July 25th, 2007 at 11:17 pm
Hey thanks for the tag. Will try to do it (try is the operative word because I ain’t very good at tags… paiseh). I love this song though and I think it came from the movie “Land Before Time” with all those cute cartoon dinosaurs? Yeah, I love cartoons even at my ripe old age…
July 26th, 2007 at 4:58 pm
Yo Jacklyn,
Haha.. Thanks for the tag. Will come out with something soon after tonight WA.
I love the song “If we hold on together” as it means a lot to me as well. Do remember that I’m always here for you to hold on when you need somebody. No need “if”, confirm I’m here for you.
July 26th, 2007 at 5:53 pm
Hi Jacklyn,
thanks so much for playing along, and for this great choice. I’ve been moving house the last couple of weeks, so a bit behind on putting together the final compilation. HOpe to get it done next week though and will let you know when it’s ready.
all the best,
July 27th, 2007 at 3:19 am
You’re right Walter. This song comes from the “Land Before Time” movie soundtrack. I missed watching the movie but this song just attracts me a lot, especially I find it very meaningful when my team sing it together.
I’ve seen so much photos on your website (you must be quite a visual person) and it’s time I would like to know what you’re listening and what inspires you…
Thanks for responding to this tag game!
July 27th, 2007 at 3:24 am
Hey Wei Ping,
Thanks for the double confirmation! Indeed you have been such a cheerful, helpful and caring friend. It’s my blessing to have known you.
Share with us another of your inspiring song though we love this ‘If we hold on together’ dearly.
July 27th, 2007 at 3:29 am
Hey Hilda,
I’ve enjoyed our ’37 inspiration stories’ project so much that I know this song meme,which I call it love link, will be as popular and inspirational. Thanks for starting this as it pulls all our readers closer together. Cheers!
July 31st, 2007 at 2:51 am
Hi Jacklyn,
Nice catching up over the weekend.
Yup. I like this inspiring song too. It brought a tears to my eyes a few years back when I was down, giving me the encouragement to persevere on.
You have a great week.
August 10th, 2007 at 2:07 am
Okay, sorry…but how can you get for FREE?
August 19th, 2007 at 10:04 pm
Songs that make your Heart Sing: The Playlist…
It’s been a long time coming, but I’ve finally gotten around to compiling the playlist of Songs that Make your Heart Sing. I think I’ve tracked down all the posts, but if I’ve missed any that you’re aware of, maybe…
August 23rd, 2007 at 11:35 am
Hi Jacklyn..I did as you advised. I shared this song at my blog. Thanks for sharing generously.
Warmest regards,
August 24th, 2007 at 8:07 pm
Hey Andrew, nice to see you here sharing your views with us! I look forward to see you here and in person again soon..
Have a blessed weekend!
August 24th, 2007 at 8:11 pm
Hi Franco, it’s so generous of you to share this inspiring song with your readers too! May we spread this song of love to more people..
Let us hear from you again. Cheers!